Social niceties I am incapable of doing

Social niceties I am incapable of doing

It may escape some peoples’ notice, if they do not know me all that well, but I am one of the least gifted individuals when faced with a situation where I feel obligated to give a sincere, heartfelt compliment, especially to a beautiful young woman whom had passed me by. I am marginally better in complimenting them in a note, where there is no talking involved, since talking inevitably leads to a breakdown in my understanding/usage of the English language and so much babbling. This blog post has been brought into being in part because of what transpired during my solo dinner at the upscale Italian restaurant Upper Crust. I could not help but notice that the two young women sharing hostess duties were both dressed in beautiful outfits, so while I munched on my raspberry/apple salad and my shrimp scampi pizza, I to-ed and fro-ed over whether to leave a compliment in note form or to attempt the more audacious task of complimenting them in person. Finally, as I ordered a slice of New York Cheesecake drizzled with raspberry sauce, I decided to do the less socially intense option, and I wrote a short note complimenting them. This note was left under the bill holder when I walked out, so I hope that made those young womens’ day, since I didn’t see their reaction.

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