Flash Fiction

The sun sent the first beams of light over the rolling foothills, as a day usually began in the small country town. As the day gradually brightened and sunlight danced across the sky, the denizens of the began to wake up and get ready for their respective jobs.

On the far side of town, a small, unassuming Catholic Church was playing host to a couple beams of sunlight that were acting outside the typical laws of nature. After entering the church through the eastern stained glass window, these odd beams transformed into globes of pure light and began ricocheting about like billiard balls on stimulants.

After five minutes, the globes moved to the platform behind the chair area, and began growing. With a subsanic BOOM that rattled the church windows, the light vanished and two figures, a male and a female, stood side by side. The man, an African-Amerrican with a clean shaven head, shook his right wrist in disgust. “The Time-Jump Matrix is on the fritz again! We may be here for a long while.” he muttered in a deep, resounding voice.

His female companion glanced at her wrist to confirm the same applied to her Matrix unit, then sighed in resignation. “Och, aye, same goes for me. At least this time, we’re not buried by a marauding Scavs who want our tech. That was a bloody fecking mess!” She gestured at the empty church. “This wee parish is as good a place as any to recharge and rest.”

That matter settled, the pair set to work to repair their Matrix units until they fell asleep on the pews. Time travel does take a lot out of a person, even seasoned travelers like them.

Stay Tuned...

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