Free Time Galore

Free Time Galore

I never could have predicted how free I would feel after deactivating my Facebook, but I feel so liberated by it, it’s crazy.  Having free time in abundance is eye-opening over how much time I was wasting there, trying to keep in touch with friends who had moved on & getting caught up with games like Candy Crush Saga.  I have been able to spend more time in such activities as walks through Meadow Park with my friend Bianca and her little girl Keona, babysitting Keona to give her mom a day off every now and then, blogging here, cheering on my Dodgers, among other worthwhile things.  The babysitting and cheering my Dodgers have been especially fun, ever since my dad took me to a game against the Giants for my birthday, which we ended up winning by a 6-5 final score; still surprised my voice didn’t get lost from the constant screaming I was doing…

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