Moving On?

Moving On?

It’s one of my top goals this year to press onwards and upwards in life, with less of a spectator role and more of seizing the day/night.  The latter of these two is especially hard, with most of my energy taken up by working most of the day, week in and week out, but I am striving to work on that, between exercise to get my stamina back up and being less of a homebody. Overcoming my homebody-ness is the big hurdle, as I prefer the more intimate social setting of a home,  with a geeky component mixed in at times, and it does not require as much energy to be in that situation.  The other thing weighing on my heart and mind is living in San Luis; I love being here, near so many varied settings, and the cherry on top of the humongous sundae of being a San Luis resident is having 90% of my closer family within 20 minutes of me.  On the other hand, 90% of my closest friends are spread all over California, Colorado and a few other states, and I deeply miss being closer to them.  I feel like a metallic object between two super-strong magnetic fields, each pulling me in one direction and refusing to yield to the opposing field; time to defy gravity and move onwards & upwards? God alone knows…

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